Next Steps

At Hillside, our mission is to help people Know God, Develop relationships, Deepen their faith, and make a difference as they Get Involved.

Whether your Next Steps involve baptism, joining a small group, or serving as a volunteer, we're here to help and encourage you.

Know God

Trust Christ

We believe that salvation is a free gift that comes only by God’s grace, through faith in Jesus Christ. Anyone who turns from their sin and trusts in Jesus receives forgiveness of sins and the gift of eternal life.


Join a Small Group

It is our desire to provide a place for every person to get to know others and genuinely be known. Small groups are an integral part of the growth and development of those relationships among our church community at Hillside.


Get Baptized

At Hillside, we believe in following Jesus as a way of life, and baptism is an essential part of the journey of a Christ-follower.


Getting more involved starts with understanding our core values. Check out our DNA class to find out about our story, culture, vision and what partnership with Hillside looks like.

Get Involved


Discover and use your gifts to give glory to God by serving others.


As a church, we believe that we are called to respond to the generosity of the gospel by giving extravagantly to the progress of the gospel in our community and world.