Women's Ministry

We minister to women at Hillside on many levels. We love to have fun, and when women get together – there is always laughter and fun! We love God passionately and worship Him, giving Him first place in our lives by coming together to learn to love Him more, to serve Him more and to grow more like Him. We love God’s people passionately so we have events that welcome all women from every background. We have a place for those who have had a relationship with Jesus for many years – seasoned women of God. We also have a place for women who may not yet know Jesus as a personal friend and Savior. We have a place for all women in between. It is our desire that every woman will come to a saving knowledge of their Creator, Savior and King and make Him Lord of their lives. Check out our upcoming Women's Events, or join a Women's Group to get more connected.

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Upcoming Women's Events